Ett par Enzo Bonafé till salu. Fantastiskt fina skor i ytterst bra skick!
De är endast använda en handfull gånger på grund av att jag lyckats köpa för stor storlek. Tyvärr måste jag låta dem gå.
Originalkartong och skopåsar medföljer självklart.
Vad: Enzo Bonafé x Dandy Shoe Care – Patina Barolo Monprivato
Modell: Longwing boot
Läst: 363
Storlek: UK 9,5
Sula: Gummi
Pris: 4500 (nypris 6100)
Bilder nedan.
Skoaktiebolaget skriver:
”Once again we have collaborated with Dandy Shoe Care to give you a chance to own a pair with a unique patina. This time it’s the Enzo Bonafè Longwing Boot that has been given a new make-up. Style 3935, Last 363 mod, rubber sole. Handwelted in Bologna, Italy.
The words of Alexander Nurulaeff ”Dandy Shoe Care”
We could not miss to dedicate a Patina to one of Italian’s excellence; the Barolo wine. Throughout the years, we’ve made a lot of patinas in a burgundy color, which always had huge success. This time, however, we decided to go further. This is an absolutely amazing color that resembles a very fine and good wine. In this Patina you can see Earth, grapes, hot harvest days, the wood of the cask, and wine, which fills crystal goblets. And don’t forget to add the sunbeams an hour before sunset… ”